Artistic director of TR Warszawa

photo by Tyndyk/Lach
About Grzegorz Jarzyna
A theatre, opera and movie director, artistic director of TR Warszawa. Jarzyna graduated from the
Philosophy Department at the Jagiellonian University and from the Directing Department at the
Ludwik Solski State Drama School in Cracow.
He debuted with the renown “Tropical Craze” based on Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz’s works (Teatr
Rozmaitości, 1997). He directed many theatrical plays, including: “Unidentified Human Remains” by
Brad Fraser (Teatr Dramatyczny in Warsaw, 1998), “Magnetism of the Heart” based on Aleksander
Fredro’s “Maidens’ Vows” (Teatr Rozmaitości, 1999), “Doctor Faustus” by Tomasz Mann (co-
produced by the Polish Theatre in Wroclaw and Hebbel-Theatre in Berlin, within the THEOREM
project, 1999), “Prince Myszkin” based on “The Idiot” by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Teatr Rozmaitości,
2000), “4.48 Psychosis” by Sarah Kane (co-produced by Teatr Rozmaitości and the Polish Theatre in
Poznan, 2005), “No Matter How Hard We Tried” by Dorota Masłowska (co-produced by TR Warszawa
and Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz in Berlin, 2009), “2007: Macbeth” by William Shakespeare (TR
Warszawa, 2005), “T.E.O.R.E.M.A.T” based on Pier Paolo Pasolini’s film titled “Theorem” (TR
Warszawa, 2009), “Other Woman” based on the script of John Cassavetes’s film “Opening night” (TR
Warszawa, 2014), “The Martyrs” based on Marius von Mayenburg’s drama (TR Warszawa, 2015),
“Ivona, Princess of Burgundia” by Witold Gombrowicz (co-produced by Theatre of Nations, Moscow
and TR Warszawa, 2016), “G.E.N” (TR Warszawa, 2017), “Two Swords” (co-produced by Beijing
Propel Performing Arts&Media Co., Ltd. Shanghai Theatre Academy and TR Warszawa, 2018) and
“G.E.N VR” – the first ever Cinematic VR performance with live audience (co-produced by TR
Warszawa, The Adam Mickiewicz Institute and Mimo.ooo VR, 2018). This globally unique production
was presented at the International Performing Arts Meeting TPAM 2018 in Yokohama, at the 2018
Segal Center Film Festival on Theatre and Performance in New York, at “A NAME: Grzegorz Jarzyna”
Festival in Târgu Mureș and Digital Cultures 2019 conference in Warsaw.
On March 15, 2019 “Other People”, based on Dorota Masłowska’s novel, premiered on TR
Warszawa/ATM Studio stage. The production has a participatory character. It was created by a
collective of TR ensemble, composers, Warsaw hip-hop artists, graphic designers, animators, visual
artists and video makers. The performance won two awards at the 12 th International Theatre Festival
“Divine Comedy” in Cracow, among others.
In the autumn of 2019 on the Experimental Stage of the Stanisław Wyspiański National Academy of
Theatre Arts in Cracow premiered the first diploma performance directed by Grzegorz Jarzyna – “The Tempest” by William Shakespeare – produced with the fourth-year students of the AST Acting
Department. In the fall of 2020 a premiere of „2020: The Tempest” is scheduled to take place in TR
Warszawa/ATM Studio (text: Grzegorz Jarzyna, Weronika Murek).
Operas produced by Grzegorz Jarzyna include: “The Gambler” by Sergei Prokofiev (Opera de Lyon,
2009), “The Child and the Spells” by Maurice Ravel (Bavarian National Opera, 2011), “The Dwarf”
Alexander Zemlinsky (Bavarian National Opera, 2011), “Giovanni” based on “Don Giovanni” by
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Moliere’s “Don Juan” (TR Warszawa’s production in the Grand
Theatre – National Opera in Warsaw, 2006). Grzegorz Jarzyna directed a show based on Krzysztof
Penderecki’s work “St Luke Passion” (produced by Katowice – City of Gardens Cultural Institution,
Krakow Festival Office, National Audiovisual Institute, 2012). In 2015 a movie “No Matter How Hard
We Tried” directed by Grzegorz Jarzyna and co-produced by TR Warszawa and the National
Audiovisual Institute was released. It was subsequently presented at numerous film festivals and
special screenings in Gdynia, Koszalin, Wroclaw, Berlin, Chicago, Karlovy Vary, Lviv, Stockholm, Sofia, Vilnius, among others.
Theatre productions directed by Grzegorz Jarzyna have been staged at festivals and in theatres all
over the world, including Astana, Avignon, Berlin, Bucharest, Dublin, Edinburgh, Hongkong,
Jerusalem, London, Los Angeles, Munich, Moscow, New York, Beijing, St. Petersburg, Stockholm,
Toronto, Vienna and Wellington. The following were shown in Great Britain: Tropical Madness- based
on S.I. Witkiewicz (Bloomsbury Theater), Celebration (Festen) – T. Vinterberg, M.Rukov, Sadlers Wells,
Psychosis 4.48 – S.Kan (Barbican Theater), T.E.O.R.E.M.A.T – based on P.P.Passolini (Barbican
Theater), Nosferatu – based on Bram Stoker (coopruduction TR with Barbican Theater and Dublin
Since 1998 Grzegorz Jarzyna is a deputy artistic director of TR Warszawa (formerly known as Teatr
Rozmaitości), from 2006 until 2012 he was also the general director of the theatre located at 8
Marszałkowska Str. Jarzyna is the creator of TR Warszawa’s artistic profile and leader of the theatre’s
team. Over more than 20 years of his leadership, he’s managed to build a strong brand and presence
for the theatre both in the local and international artistic markets. TR Warszawa under the direction
of Grzegorz Jarzyna has become a place for artistic experimentation and creative development for
many artists who are now working on polish and foreign theatre stages and movie sets and for a
great number of producers and managers who’ve joined the ranks of cultural workers in Poland and
abroad. Grzegorz Jarzyna has created the concept of theatrical projects aimed at exploring new
drama forms and supporting the development of young theatre artists, such as: Warsaw Area Teren Warszawa, TR/PL (2005/2006), Field TR Teren TR or the TR Debut award for drama directing students, established in 2015/2016. Winners of this annual award have a chance to stage their first production in TR Warszawa. Jarzyna is also the originator and co-author of “The 2019-2023 TR Warszawa Team Strategy” aimed to prepare the theatre’s employees for the upcoming
move to the new TR Warszawa’s building being constructed in the Parade Square.