Na scenie stoją trzy ekrany. Na dwóch skrajnych widać tę samą projekcję krzyczącej starszej kobiety. Miedzy nimi ekran z krzyczącym młodym mężczyzną.

Czy jesteśmy w stanie przebić bańkę i zrozumieć innych ludzi?

  • ATM Studio
  • Induction loop

Other people

dir.Grzegorz Jarzyna Buy a ticket
  • Directed by 

    Dorota Masłowska

  • Premiered

    March 15, 2019

  • Duration

    2 h 10 min (no intermission)

  • Tickets

    Normal ticket: 120 PLN
    Concessionary ticket: 85 PLN
    Normal group ticket (more than 10 people): 107 PLN
    Concessionary group ticket (over 10 people): 75 PLN


The performance is recommended for audiences aged 16 and over.


Warsaw, sometime in the twenty-tens. Our guide to this urban jungle is a 32-year-old Kamil from Grochów district, who sells drugs on the side but dreams of a hip-hop career. We embark with him on a journey to the heart of the city, where we encounter various social spheres and classes, from celebrities to parking lot winos, from luxurious downtown condos residents to the inhabitants of distant prefabricated buildings. Expensive limousines and tram cars, gyms and chain stores, shopping malls and night clubs become the stage for a ruthless fight for attention, love and acceptance.

Other People” is an attempt to portray Poland three decades after the transformation. It’s a story about a community blown apart from within by prejudice and hatred, a take on Polish society, where human bonds are breaking and national identity is being built on the hostility towards other people: the Ukrainians, Vietnamese, gay… The play shows people obsessed with the prospect of virtual happiness. Their stories are told with the trash language of TV commercials, internet posts and media reports, which is as toxic as the smog and which blocks authentic communication.

Can we cross the class barriers?
Can we burst the information bubble and understand “Other People” – those who think differently, have different value system, language and taste?
Do we have anything in common, other than the access to the Internet?

“Other People” has a participatory character. It has been created by a collective of TR ensemble, composers, Warsaw hip-hop artists, graphic designers, animators, visual artists and video makers. Audio and visual materials used during the performance show images and voices of tens of Warsaw residents from various spheres.


text: Dorota Masłowska
direction, adaptation, set design: Grzegorz Jarzyna
costumes and make-up: Anna Axer-Fijałkowska
cameraman: Radek Ładczuk
music: Piotr Kurek, Krzysztof Kaliski
beats, DJ/VJ live: Michał DJ B Olszański
beats: Bartek Kruczyński
sound design: Maciej Szymborski
vocal preparations: Arek RAS Sitarz

lighting design: Aleksandr Prowaliński
graphics: Adrien Cognac
animations: Julia Nędzyńska
lettering: Luka Rayski
illustrations: Maciej Chorąży
video editing: Adrien Cognac, Piotr Czarnecki, Krzysztof Fischer, Wiktor Zmysłowski, Aleksandra Żwan
sound editing: Jerzy Szelewicz
choreography: Paulina Przestrzelska
translation (surtitles): Marek Kazmierski


production manager: Karolina Pająk
director’s assistant: Katarzyna Gawryś
costumographer’s assistant: Olga Mazur
costumographer’s assistant for video production: Marta Piotrowska, Janek Zagdański
stage manager: Wojtek Sobolewski

production cooperation: Magda Igielska
lighting operator: Kacper Stykowski
video operator: Łukasz Jara, Adrian Hutyriak
sound operator: Łukasz Faliński
voiceover: Krystyna Czubówna, Michał Nogaś, Jerzy Sosnowski


fot. Marcin Oliva Soto


  • “Finding theatrical language to „Other People”, with their grotesque polyphonies and cacophonies could not have been easy – but they made it. Formally, Grzegorz Jarzyna’s performance can be placed somewhere between theatre, film and shock therapy. (…) A big round of applause to Yacine Zmit and Maria Maj, and everybody!!! A real mindblower.”

    Dorota Masłowska
  • “I watched it without blinking from the first until the last scene. I was bursting with laughter at the funny moments, knowing that there is nothing to laugh about. (…) In my opinion this is an outstanding performance. I highly recommend it.”

    Rafał Turowski, Chilli ZET,
  • “Other People” directed by Grzegorz Jarzyna in TR Warszawa enraptures the audience with the form, characters, and music.”

    Katarzyna Janowska,

Special thanks to

Special thanks to Sokół and Rafał Grobel for recommendations regarding the cooperation with Polish hip-hop artists.

Special thanks for participating in the video recordings to: Anna Axer-Fijałkowska, Klaudia Bakiera, Małgorzata Bela, Kasia Budzyńska, Agata Buzek, Magdalena Cielecka, Henio Duszyński, Dobromir Dymecki, Michał Fajbusiewicz, Monika Frajczyk, Paulina Gajewska, Roma Gąsiorowska, Mateusz Górski, Tomasz Karolak, Ela Kołtonowicz, Cezary Kosiński, Filip Krupa, Grzegorz Laszuk, Lech Łotocki, Olga Mazur, Aleksandar Milićević, Mateusz Nędza, Monika Olejnik, Michał Olszański, Maja Ostaszewska, Marta Pacholak, Sebastian Pawlak, Piotr Rogucki, Ola Rudnicka, Teresa Rutkowska, Andrzej Seweryn, Paweł Smagała, Sokół, Michał Stanisławski, Kacper Stykowski, Krzysztof Wawrzon

Special thanks for voiceover to: Krystyna Czubówna, Michał Nogaś, Jerzemu Sosnowskiemu

  • “Inni ludzie”, Dorota Masłowska

    “Inni ludzie” ©️ Dorota Masłowska 2018/Agencja Literacka Syndykat Autorów, 1st printed edition: WL Kraków, May 2018


Partner of the performance:

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Special thanks for help with the production to:
